Memorabilia framing or object framing


Memorabilia framing or object framing is the art of displaying a collection. 

In the first place, collections must look organised and intentional. 

Tips for how to express your love of your memorabilia and create a dramatic look! 

As a result, some things make us feel happier having them around – this is your collection. 

The fun part is finding the items for our collections, but the real challenge comes with displaying them. 

A friend of mine told me the other day, that he collects war medals, but keeps them in a box under the bed because he doesn’t know how to display them correctly. 

Unique Ways of Memorabilia framing 

Collections make an impact when grouped. As opposed to being spread out through the room. When collectables are grouped: 

  1. The pieces become noticeable as they’re not lost among other items. 
  2. The memorabilia looks organised and displayed correctly. 

Finding the right place for memorabilia framing 

Before you display your collection, the first step is to find the right place for your object framing. Take into account the type of memorabilia you have to find the correct position to display them. 

For example, a collection of war medals might work best in the hallway, above a mantlepiece or in the pool room. 

Glass collections work well in the dining room. 

Custom mirror collections look great in either a bedroom or bathroom. 

Once you know where to show your objects, you can move on to how to frame it. 

Object framing for displaying collections 

In this case, as an art piece? 

You can display your collections as a work of art by merely grouping the pieces and hanging them on the wall. 

Likewise, you can frame your collection and hang them in groups. 

Furthermore, be sure to hang the items in a group that can grow as you add to your collection over time. 

Equally important, we create object framing for almost any type of memorabilia. 

Check out our latest frames. 

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